
Take this quiz to discover your dosha

welcome in



Hello there…

I’m so glad your here! I have no idea what I’m doing… just living on a blue planet that circles around a ball of fire next to a moon that moves the sea, believing in miracles and creating beyoutiful magic! Hope you stay awhile and look around… we can connect if you’re interested in one of my services or want to join me for a walk in the park!

The Universal Prayer has become my daily intention, it’s written on my yoga mat and said when I cleanse my home. It’s my hope for all to find the magic within…

May the wicked become good, may the good obtain peace, may the peaceful be freed from bonds, may the freed set others free.


JAI! (Spirit)


Ayurveda Consulting

Yoga& Pilates Sessions

Reiki Healing

I’m on a path of Self Realization, and trust me I’m taking my time! I’m here to inspire you by sharing my gifts and to be inspired by you sharing yours! We are here to make this world better and to help others when they are feeling alone or dis-ease. This is why I only do privates sessions, I prefer to work one on one and make deeper connections with my clients. Ayurveda guides me to live a balanced life according to my dosha, while yoga and pilates helps my physical body stay strong and healthy, and Reiki keeps me connected to my Spirit.


I love dancing with the light, walking barefoot on the Earth, and and standing in awe of Mother Nature. When I look through my lens, I try to capture the magic of the present moment. I stand still and observe the “Lila” or divine play of the Universe. This concept of Lila fascinates me, that we are here to play with our own Divine nature and to experience the beauty of being human. I am grateful to witness this dance of Spirit and capture these moments of Lila… it’s magical and beyoutiful indeed!